The million dollar question; and here is where doctors, therapists and mothers would stone me for sure!!

After years of experience with kids, I can say with certainty there is no specific age. Every child develops at his or her own pace and will be ready for potty training when their mind and body is ready.

To every parent that gets hysterical because his or her child of 2 years old or 4 years old and not yet fully taught to use the toilet correctly I ask only this:

HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A MATRICULATING CHILD WITH A NAPPY AND A DUMMY? (And here I am not referring to our disabled friends)

Yes there are certain signs that we look for to see if they are ready – he says he wants to “pee”, pulls his shorts down, gets up on the toilet etc. But to say a child is 18 months old and should immediately begin with potty training, astounds me!

The voluntary muscles that allow the bladder to work are in any case not fully develop until 2 years of age.

Boys and girls ages also differ, Girls are usually ready earlier, why, I don’t know ….

Also to threaten or discipline a child when you start potty training is total unacceptable! It’s a natural process and must therefore develop accordingly.

And I am not saying you should let your child walk around without a nappy and have ‘accidents’ everywhere around the house. Should there be an indication that your child is ready, make it a point to take his or her to the toilet regularly.

There are thousands of potties that play songs, or special seating options to fit on an adult toilet, balls that foam if a boy urinates to make the process easy and enjoyable.

We have a “rewards jar” at our school (in my office) and every time a friend urinates in the toilet, he or she may get a treat. Some of them are so smart, they will come and tell there were two stools in the toilet so they should get 2 sweets. My rewards jar works like a charm !!

At the end of the day every little one gets there at his or her own pace, and our biggest successes in “potty training” were the children where the parents had left them until they were ready, and not demanded “my child a certain age and must NOW commence potty training!!”